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Some of the reasons why
Facebook accounts are generally
blocked !!.

1. You didn’t use your real name.
Facebook will find you and spit
you out.

2. You joined too many groups.
maximum limit is 200 groups per

3. You posted too many
messageson a
wall or in a group. E.g. Guy
Kawasaki had
his account disabled–in his case
“excessive evangelism.”

4. You posted in too many
many user’s walls. (That’s what
do, silly.)

5. You friended too many people.
(Not so
long ago this was a prime cause
of disabled
accounts, but Facebook has
instituted a
maximum of 5000 friends that
should protect you from yourself.)

6. Your school/ organization
affiliation is

7. You’re poking too many people.
the odd FB app that pokes on
your behalf.)

8. You advertised your app on

9. You used duplicate text in
multiple messages.

10. You are a cow, dog, or library.

11. You are under 18 years old
and not
part of a High School group.

12. You wrote offensive content.

13. You scraped information off
Facebook. E.g. Facebook bots
disabled Robert Scoble’s account.

share it..!!


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